If at all possible, wait to visit these parks until all of your kids are out of stroller age. The hassle of carrying around a stroller is sure to dampen your experience, what with diaper changes, coordinating the young ones' napping schedules with everyone else's wants and needs. Of course, there are also all the height and age restrictions that come along with big tagada rides. Your kids will have more fun being mobile, and you will too.
Make sure you have at least two adults. If you have a young child such as a baby or infant, this gives you the opportunity to take turns holding and caring for them, that way you can each have a turn on rides with your other kids. Even if you don't have infants, it is often the case that the youngest is either too young or to scared to participate in rides that the older ones want to go on, so this way you can take turns entertaining the little one and not miss out on other fun all the time.
Have a loose plan. For example, the early morning is for rides when the lines are shorter, and the afternoon is for eating and/or swimming. Just let your kids know what to expect so you can avoid, as much as possible, the crushing disappointment of no more rides for the day coming as a surprise. Also you definitely want to have an "in case you get lost" plan and make sure each child knows what to do. There are many strategies such as having a picture of each child in what they are wearing that day for identification, writing your cell phone number on their stomach, doling out walkie talkies, and agreeing on a specific, recognizable meet up location.
Have a bag with water, water and more water, snacks that are not susceptible to heat or melting (someone is going to get hungry and you can save yourself from shelling out too much cash), hats to protect from sun as well as sun block. You can even have little backpacks for each kid with their name on it, allow them to personalize it so they are less likely to lose it, and have them carry their own items so you don't have to carry as much.
Last but not least: Embrace the experience. Know that you and the kids absolutely will get hot and tired, at least one or more of you will get cranky before the end, over-expensive junk food is totally going to happen, and each and every one of you will have so much fun! Your kids will not forget this day. Ride the rides which made by Beston, be safe, enjoy every minute of it - your kids will!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7995448